I'm in the midst of my drama rehearsal now.
yes, not home yet. Been here since 430pm.
This march holidays is packed packed packed.
Come to think of it, i have no idea why i got myself so involved.
Due to my m'sia sports trip, i missed service, youth conf & zone meeting.
Now with my drama rehearsals every single night,
i just missed my dearest cookies gathering tonight at ChompChomp+movie.
i want to cry now.
Pre U Sem, Cellgroup's responsiility, School work, Easter drama,
and my personal life ( family + catch up with friends+ lone time ).
Me have no idea how to handle and juggle all these.
On some random days, i actually feel very very lonely.
And on other days, i actually feel happy coz i'm numbing all the hurts.
i need a break, maybe just alone with myself on an island.
i am feeling overwhelmed. just a lil too overwhelmed by everything.
I want to cry my eyes out, coz there's school tmr.
all im looking forward to is ms Q's lesson, coz she's my favorite
gir/s> teacher.
i hate school more than a hundred percent.